Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane

Stanley #45 Plane Acquisitions!

Dear friends,

We have had the good fortune of acquiring several Stanley No. 45 Combination planes in the last few days whilst traveling through our usual routes. They are in various states of benign neglect or disrepair, which is exactly how my dear brother prefers them. He is anxious to begin his restoration, and he assures me that he may have a surprise or two in store when he has completed them!

The Stanley #45 Combination planes are undoubtedly the most famous and well known combination planes in the Stanley line, and undoubtedly of any other manufacturer's also. A combination plane is an adjustable plane that can be fitted with different cutters which can be adjusted for any number of cuts. Dados, flutes, reeding, almost anything you can imagine can be done as long as the appropriate iron/cutter is at hand.

I must apologise for the poor quality of the photography, as it was done hurriedly and with a "point and shoot" camera. It does please me though to be able to show you these Stanley planes before they are ministered too and brought back to an elegant and clean approximation of their former glory.

Stanley #45, Nasterbaldeks' Emporium, Combination plane, plow plane

Of course Sinister is already well into the planning phase of just how he will refurbish these soon to be hand tool treasures. Again, we do just enough to those that require "just enough," and a complete overhaul to those tools that are in need of such.

Stanley #45, Nasterbaldeks' Emporium, Combination plane, plow plane

The Rosewood totes obviously needs refurbishment/refinishing and in some cases replacement. Nickel plating needs careful cleaning with a 50% solution of ammonia. Steel needs burnishing also.

Stanley #45, Nasterbaldeks' Emporium, Combination plane, plow plane, plane refurbisment

Of course the cutters, when supplied, will be sharpened to a keen edge. You will of course be treated to a lovely photo of whispy shavings being produced!

Stanley #45, Nasterbaldeks' Emporium, Combination plane, plow plane

As the machinist half of the equation so to speak, I am curious if there might be a desire for additional cutters. I am particularly fond of O1 steel, and it would not be inconceivable for us to supply cutters in basic profiles and widths.

Also, we will make available extended steel fence faces for increased stability when using the Stanley #45. These should be available in the latter part of the year, shortly after we start. Other than the appropriate locations for the threaded screw holes, my brother has not finalised the design as of yet...

Now my friends, a question for you, would there be any desire, or objection to the use of exotic woods in the recreation of the totes and handle that are missing? I would dearly like to see a well done tote in superior/extra fancy curly maple. How do you, my dear readers, feel about that?

As always, please feel free to comment or share your thoughts. If you have a particular tool that you wish for us to find, please email us so we may focus our searches and help you find your needs.

Dexter Nasterbaldeks, Nasterbaldeks' Emporium, Purveyors of Fine Tools
Your faithful servants,
Dexter Nasterbaldeks &
Sinister Nasterbaldeks

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